Directed, filmed and written by Clémentine Roy
France, Germany, 2024,
74 min
In the south of contemporary Italy, a community devotes itself to divinatory practices dating back to Roman antiquity, such as ornithomancy and the interpretation of celestial phenomena. In the midst of these tormented lands, a series of gestures and attitudes emerge, opening up new horizons.
World Premiere: Cinéma du Réel ‘24
With :
Marta Orlando, Rossella Palmiero, Arcangela Saputo, Daniela Ianniello, Valentina, Daniele, Doris Formisano, Lidia Orlando,Valentina Sanseverino, Mariateresa Buonpane, Mimmo Papale, Mena Orlando, Daniela Stabile, Giuseppe Rogato, Simone Rogato, Toni Cammisa, Ruggero Veneziano, Gabriele Sava
Clémentine Roy
Additionnal photography
Ivan Markovic / Paolo Scarfó
Sound recording
Clémentine Roy / Letizia Gullo / Manuela Schininá
Ninon Liotet
Sound mix
Oscar Stiebitz
Produced by Elinka Films ( Gaëlle Boucand ), Kirberg Motors (Caroline Kirberg), Parkadia (Clémentine Roy)
With the support of the Centre National des Arts Plastiques (image/mouvement),
Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa Berlin and Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg
Forêts Queer, Le Vigan, France
Sicilia Queer film festival ( Italian premiere )
Liminaria ( It)
International Experimental Film Festival Athens ( Greek premiere )
Duisburger Filmwoche ( German premiere )